Representing Longshoremen, Checkers and All Port Workers in New Jersey and New York
As a result of the recent Supreme Court case, the bi-state Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor no longer exists. Instead, issues involving New Jersey port workers will now be handled by the New Jersey State Police while issues involving New York port workers will be handled by the New York Waterfront Commission.
Because Tom Tormey is an attorney who is admitted to practice in both New York and New Jersey, and because he has extensive experience handling the cases of port workers throughout New York and New Jersey, he is ready to step in and help you no matter where your case will be heard, or which agency will be deciding your case.
Recent Changes
On July 17, 2023, the 75-year-old bi-state agency known as Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor ceased to exist once New Jersey decided it was going to withdraw from the Commission. New Jersey decided it would handle the hiring of New Jersey port workers or the disciplining of New Jersey port workers. To do this, the New Jersey State Police established a new, specialized department, called the Port Security Division.
Tom Tormey is already working with the New Jersey State Police Port Security Division on several cases. Click here for information, applications, and forms for New Jersey State Police Port Security Division.
If you are a port worker or if you want to be a port worker in New York, your case will be handled by the new, separate, New York Waterfront Commission. The New York Waterfront Commission is located at 39 Broadway, just blocks from Mr. Tormey’s New York address.
If you have questions about the New Jersey State Police Port Security Division or the New York Waterfront Commission, click on the Frequently Asked Questions link below. If you can’t find the answer to your question there, then call Mr. Tormey. He will be glad to speak to you about your problem without charge. Mr. Tormey has the experience and the know-how to give you the best representation possible. Make him your lawyer today.
The Waterfront and the Waterfront Commission
The Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor
The Waterfront of New York and New Jersey Harbors is a unique place, and the jobs, hiring practices, investigations, and enforcement of penalties are unlike anything anywhere else. Even the language used to describe a person’s job or duty is unique, antiquated, and is used nowhere else in any other occupation.
Like the waterfront, the Waterfront Commission is also a unique place. It has its own special rules, language, and method of dealing with perceived violations of its rules and regulations. Walking into a Waterfront Commission interview or hearing without an attorney who is highly experienced in dealing with the Commission is like walking into a minefield. It’s never good and could get very messy.
“Tom, I just wanted to update you on my case. I was issued my Waterfront Pass. I want to thank you for bringing the truth out to this impossible organization. I don’t think I would have been able to get through it without you. Hopefully I won’t need you again in the future but if anyone ever asks I will definitely recommend you. Thanks again.”
Don’t Go It Alone
Your job on the waterfront is one of your most valuable assets. Protect it and protect yourself. If you are called in by the Waterfront Commission, speak to Mr. Tormey first, and then you can decide whether you should have an experienced attorney with you, looking out for you and your family.
If you have any questions about the Waterfront Commission and its procedures click on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) link below. If you can’t find the answer to your question there, then feel free to call Mr. Tormey. He’ll be happy to talk to you about your case for no charge. Give. him a call. What do you have to lose?